My Plant Commitments 🌱

June 29, 2020

I have been very committed in taking care of my plants the past few weeks. The second week of June  I finally unleashed my inner plant frustrations and bought three additional plants (1 Succulent, 2 Cactuses). My mom actually has a friend who has been selling some of her plants for a reasonable price. I bought one and my mom added two plants. All of them are 100php each. I cannot give you any link to her shop since she is not selling plants regularly. 

Here's my little collection of green friends! I don't have that much compared to others but my garden just started growing this year! My boyfriend actually got me a cactus for my 18th birthday however it died because I over watered it and it wasn't getting that much sunlight. I used to water it everyday using a water spray but little did I know, usually cactus and succulents are usually watered once a week. I also tried to save it however it did not survive. Sadt :"((

The picture below is the cactus my boyfriend got for me :(( and also the succulent beside also died sadt, but I kept the plastic pot to honor the late cactus and succulent ❣️😇

Here are also some of my plants that does not belong to the cactus and succulent family. I already planted the fortune plant I had to soil since I only soaked it in water for months. There are actually two of them so I separated them and assigned names.

I also planted some parsley seeds and they're growing!!! It might take awhile for them to fully grow and ready to use for cooking. For the spring onions and napa cabbages, I tried to propagate them and I was able to get a decent amount of spring onions that my mom actually used it in one of our dishes. Although just this week, as I am writing this post, my spring onions dried up :((( also, my cabbage propagation did not go well since the i guess the butt of the cabbage (lol) rots overtime as I am soaking it in water. I decided to throw it away though because of the rainy weather the past few weeks, it has been inviting mosquitoes in my garden so it can harm me and my family! (We don't want that don't we?)

Also, cup noodles container makes a great alternative pots!

With my obsession with plants, I decided to make a journal dedicated for them! haha. The journal I used was made by me, using some scrap pieces of paper lying around my room and I have been keeping it for years. It does not have the best pages (and they're not uniformed at all!) but I get to have the notebook where I can document my plants so that's fine. (Also, it's much more better knowing I did not buy a new notebook to use as a journal instead up-cycling some of the things I already have).

Do you have some plant commitments?

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