Homemade Refreshment! | Watch Me Journal // 3

May 08, 2020

Over the past few weeks, I have been craving some iced tea but failed to have one due to the shortage of stocks in the market because of the quarantine and also my mom forgets to buy one all the time. I couldn't help it so I had this idea to make one on my own but too scared to do it since I might not like the taste. Lucky me, I found a recipe online and it became my basis for my own version of Homemade Iced Tea. I got the recipe from this blog and altered the measurements to satisfy my taste. 

You will need:

1 Black Tea Bag
2 tsps. Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Honey
2-3 Medium Sized Calamansi 
Ice Cubes


Fill half of a tea cup with hot water and add the sugar. Once the sugar have dissolved, add the tea bag and let it steep. 

After steeping, take out the tea bag and add honey and squeeze in the calamansi. If you don't have calamansi at home, you can go for lemon or lime. 

In another glass, add in ice cubes and use a strainer while pouring the tea mixture to the glass to strain out calamansi seeds.

Honestly, I was surprised with the taste, I thought it would be a flop but ended up liking it more than a powdered iced tea. If you want to be as healthy as possible, you can substitute the sugar with more honey as your sweetener! It is really up to you 😁

I also did a drawing of my homemade iced tea and decided to do a journal page for it! If you would like to see my creative process, check out my latest video!

stay hydrated, frends!

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