April 19, 2017

For those of you who doesn't go out for a summer trip or adventure and just hanging out in the house until the next month, then try this recipe that can spice up a little bit on your staycation.

Introducing: Chicken Nuggets!!! yayyyy!! ok.
These are seriously the best go-to-fast food I could ever ask for! It's very easy to make so why not make 'em?

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: (They don't have specific measurements if you're wondering)

  • Chicken Breast Fillet
  • Garlic
  • Soy Sauce
  • Garlic Salt
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Vinegar
  • All purpose Flour
  • Eggs
  • Breadcrumbs

  • Wash your Chicken Breasts to make sure it's fresh and clean. Take a chopping board and a knife and carefully slice the Chicken Breasts into thin bit-sized pieces. It's okay if none of them looked identical, it doesn't matter since this is not a processed food.
  • Put your thinly sliced Chicken Breasts on a container and start chopping some garlic. It depends on you on how many garlic there would be. Make sure the Garlic is finely chopped. After chopping, put it in the container where you put your chicken breasts. And add the remaining ingredients. Keep in mind that do not put too much or else you wouldn't like the taste. Since I didn't put some specific measurements for this recipe, just gradually add the ingredients. Little by little and from time to time, taste it. If it's good then it's okay. If it's not, then continue adding the ingredients.
  • Once you already achieved your desired taste, place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or maybe overnight. This will make the chicken absorb more of the ingredients that you just added.
  • After a couple of hours of marinating, and you already have the strength to do something really chaotic lol kidding. Then it's time to coat them with some weird things!
  • First, coat it with flour, then the egg and lastly the breadcrumbs. You can whip up a batch of these and store it in the freezer so that when you don't know what to eat, then there are some nuggets that can save your life. lol
  • After coating them, fry them in a pan, I prefer deep frying since it's the actual method used for this recipe. You want that golden brown effect so in order to achieve that, we need that slow-cooking-process. Not that really slow but you need to keep an eye to the fire. Therefore in that way, you nuggets will never get overcooked.

These are best with Mayonnaise in my opinion, I haven't tried it with ketchup since I am really not a fan of it, and I think gravy will work well.

There you have it! A simple recipe that can change your entire life!Enjoy eating!

All the love,

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